Record growth of Norwegian salmon exports

One of the most important export item in Norway is salmon which is developing day by day all around the world and exceed the European limits, it has been demanded by too many countries from Asia to Far East recently.

According to statistical figures, the value of exports of Norwegian Salmon in October totalled NOK 2,7 Billion which is more than 21% compared to the same month last year. The value of Norwegian Exports are NOK 23.9 billion according to lastest figures from the Norwegian Seafood Council. It is equal to 7,7 billion TL.

Market Analyst Paul Aandahl from Norwegian Seafood Council says that although the growth of salmon exports, export values are more than last October and the rise of the consumption of salmon in Europe has contributed to the record figures of salmon.

Looking at the European market, no less than %85 of Norwegian Salmon exports in October were destined for markets in Europe and was shared %66 of the quantity by EU countries. The biggest market in Norwegian exports is France, after that Russia is coming only 247 tonnes behind. Poland is the biggest third market.

The reason of the record values of Norwegian salmon exports are the water in the sea had a higher temperature than expected so the growth of the fish was very good. Generally October is a good month for export to Europe because all smokeries and industry are preparing for Christmas sales. So the volumes they take are bigger than in other months of the year.

Examining on the Asian market, the volume of exports of Norwegian Salmon in October reached at 12.000 tonnes and more than %12 compared to the same month last year.  Japan is the most important market in Asia. Apperantly, it can be said that Japan is a good market over the whole year. Beside Japan, China is a growing market in Asia and taking a lot of fish.

It can be seen that, after whole round salmon, exports of salmon fillets are increasing. In October, the export volume of Norwegian fresh salmon fillets  are 6.631 tonnes which increased %43 according to last year. Mostly, it is demanded by Poland, France and Sweeden. Fillet gets more and more popular, especially pre-rigor fillet. The first phase of rigor mortis, at the pre rigor moment, the product cuts after the harvest, it is for once the good quality of the meat and facultative.

The export value of the biggest rival of salmon is trout is increased %45 and reached at 161 million NOK. As a volume, it is increased %52 and reached 5.609 tonnes. Russia, Belarus and Poland are the biggest 3 markets for trout trade.

The demand of salmon in Turkey is getting bigger day by day. One the most important item of healty nutrition is salmon which is wealthy of Omega 3. At the beginning of 2000’s, the import volume of salmon is only 200 tonnes , but it have reached at 6000 tonnes  recently. In addition, product range is expanding day by day, therefore beside whole round salmon the demand of processed products is increasing such as fillets, portions, steaks.

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